Tuesday, September 23, 2008

While working at the restaurant, I observed a few couples at each of my tables. The one
that caught my eye the most was a older man (around 70) and his young girlfriend with a
young child in her arms. Throughout their dinner, the older man was comforting her while
also attempting to make her happy.... She seemed to be somewhat irritated with him and
he was just letting her do her thing.

It took me a few moments to figure out if they were actually a couple or just relatives,
but I then understood he was in fact her significant other.

Upon their meal, he was explaining something to her and trying to keep her attention,
but she was occuppied with other things (her daughter). She even shushed me when I
asked if they wanted some coffee because her daughter was sleeping.

I realized he was talking about his age, "I'm not 24 years old..." and she was just
listening. I also got the impression she was questioning him on some topic where she
sounded somewhat insecure. You know the old saying, "out with the old, and in with the
new," but in this case, who is being replaced, him with a younger man, or her with a
younger woman.... But, who knows what the full conversation was regarding, but the two
were there for a good hour and a half (due to needs of the baby).

Their body language was intense: he was all about her, she was all about the baby. I felt
kind of bad because you can tell he was trying to pour his heart out to her and she
wasn't having it.

They eventually left the restaurant, she first holding thier child, then he walking slowly

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