Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Plastic Melts

Southern California as we know it has become as fake as breast implants. Everyone is looking for a way to "enhance" their appearance, whether it be botox, breast augmentation, liposuction, penis enlargement, vaginal rejuvenation, the list goes on. The point is as Susan Bardo states in her essay, "Material Girl: The Effacements of Postmodern Culture,"(Women are never happy with themselves) If we are never happy with ourselves, it is implied, that is due to ouor female nature, not to be taken too seriously or made into a 'political question'" (1102). This epidemic of making oneself better than what we origionally are is never going to end until something changes the way individuals view themselves.

It can be argued that self image is passed down from generation to generation or it is controlled by the media and what it "in" at a given moment in time. During the 20's it was the Flapper Scene, the 50's and 60's Greasers, 60's and 70's Hippies; but in the 2000's.... the quest to look perfect? Many women and men go to extremes to look perfect, but who is it that determines what is perfect?

I think we should have a long and hard conversation with those making the criterian for perfectness. Perhaps feed them more than they are used to, knock them around a little bit, suggest counseling. If anyone has anyother suggestions, let me know :)

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